Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hormones and acne

My doctor told me I would grow out of my acne but I am now 15. If it is true that I will grow out of it, please can you tell me when?
Your acne will get better with time but no one can tell you when
that will be and it is certainly not a reason to stop you getting
treatment. Acne starts when hormone changes occur around and
after puberty. These new levels of hormones stay the same for
many years – until the menopause in women and longer for men.
It is surprising that people do grow out of it but many more people
seem to carry on having problems well into adult life. You
need to deal with your acne as a ‘now’ thing so that when it does
stop happening you won’t be left with scars to remember it by.

Help! Every month, just before my period, I get spots around my chin. They don’t even come to a head; they just sit there and hurt. Do I have acne?
Yes, you probably have. Acne is triggered by the skin’s abnormal
reaction to hormones, so the changing levels of hormones at the
time of your period cause acne even though your skin doesn’t
react to different levels at other times of your cycle. This is a
good example of needing to see your doctor when the spots
appear, as there will be nothing to show if you have to wait a
week for an appointment. It also illustrates how important it is
for people with acne to be able to tell their own story about the
pattern of spots and when they get them, rather than just being
looked at quickly. Your history of getting spots at the times of
your periods will suggest a different approach to treatment than
if you had spots all the time. You could also think about taking a
photo of yourself with spots to show the doctor how bad it can
I have heard that there might be a problem with my ovaries which is why I get acne. If that is the case, what is it and why do boys get acne?
You might have a condition called polycystic ovaries. This means
that your ovaries have lots of fluid-filled lumps (cysts) on them. If
this is the case, your ovaries won’t be producing the right balance
of hormones and, in particular, too much of the male hormone
testosterone. You are then likely to have very bad acne, grow
extra hair on your body and have light or no periods. In later life
you could find it hard to get pregnant. It is very important to have
tests for this condition; they include blood tests for the hormone
levels and ultrasound scans of your ovaries.
This is one of the few times when tests are needed in acne.
Your acne will need different and stronger treatment, and you
might also be offered treatment for your ovaries. They are a lot
bigger with all the cysts, so an operation to remove some of the
cysts can lead to more normal levels of hormones.
Although girls also have some testosterone, boys’ testes – the
male equivalent of ovaries – normally produce high levels of this
hormone, which is why they are often more affected.

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